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What We Provide

Whether you are an individual advisor seeking a bit more freedom,

an established RIA looking for the support to grow,

or somewhere in between...

Our technology and team provide the support you need. 


Fusion Elements brings you a user experience focused on providing accuracy, expediency, and, most importantly, sanity. 

Fusion Elements puts all of your firms' operations in one single portal  Its open architecture let's you loop in whatever programs and systems you prefer because we believe advisors should enjoy technology, rather than fight with it. 

Fusion Elements

Fusion Elements

Your Personal Operating System

Finally, the technology has arrived that works with you, not against you.  This Fusion built platform is your single portal for all of your firm's operational needs. ​

Print Mailing Labels, then Dive into Investment Research, and then Allocate Client Accounts. All in one window, all with one login, all with a few clicks.  


Every daily operation of your firm, built into your personalized operating system.  Welcome to Fusion Elements.

Open Architecture

Most technological platform require you to adopt their process, their programs, and their way of thinking.

Elements is different.

The open architecture design means you can keep your CRM, your email system, your money mangers, your file storage service, and everything else you and your staff are already comfortable with.  Just plug it in to Elements, and integrate them all into one, master hub. 

The Intangibles

When we say advisor technology, we can bet there's a lot that comes to mind.  


Elements is not that.


We didn't combine a bunch of old technology into a master system. We built a master technological platform that's fit for your system. 


Our goal is rewrite everything you thought you knew about the technological capabilities available to you.  Just a few of those examples:

Will be Elements

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Audit Support- create a complete audit file, everything anyone could need, quickly and easily. 

CRM Integration- Plug in any CRM you are using, or simply use ours.

Transition Support- Paperless processing, esignature abilities, and a transitioning process that you won't regret.

Payables to Audit - See what you are making on what accounts, at any given moment. 

Ticketing and Tracking - Submit operations requests and track the progress of those requests every step of the way. 

Third Party Money Management - Direct trade requests between your money managers, and our trading team. 

Literally, Everything In One Place: Website editor, all client service operations, CRM, sales support, reporting, fee billing, compliance oversight, marketing management, account allocation, paperless processing, and everything else you can think of. 

Marketing Engine

Marketing Engine

Communicating your unique value

"How are you seen?"

Document Holder

Why Marketing Matters

The prospects in your market have dozens, maybe even hundreds of options when choosing a financial advisor.  How do they know to choose you?  What about you stands out?  How are you showcasing your expertise and value. 

Marketing matters, in the eyes of your prospects, and the success of your firm.  Our marketing programs are designed to deliver on both. 

Advisor Websites

Now that we’ve all acknowledged the need for a website, it’s time to acknowledge the different between simply having a website, and having an effective one. Your website is very often the first way that prospects meet you, and it’s even more often the way that they decided whether they want to work with you or not.

Learn more about our advisor website program and take ownership of your online presence. 

Check out our branding process...

Defining Your Brand

Our marketing program is designed to identify, define, and communicate your value in a way your prospects will understand and, most importantly, respond to. 

The Fusion Marketing Team has decades of experience in building unique brand messaging and campaigns, and has designed a process and marketing engine to help you take advantage of it.

Designing Your Marketing Engine

Just as with every Fusion System, the marketing engine we provide advisors is designed by your individual needs.  Pick a package, build your own, or consult with our team, either way, we have the marketing program fit for your firm. 

Operational Support

Operational Support

Support that doesn't come with restrictions

Complete Back Office Support

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Flexible Fee Structures

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Transparent Ticketing System

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Investment Solutions

Portfolio management that your clients need

Investment Solutions
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